Silence at the Center

God spoke to Moses from the burning bush: “I will be there as I am.”

This God-energy flows and intersects with us unceasingly, with or without our awareness. We circle around and around this sacred source, draw on it as resource, with or without awareness. When we are in touch with this reality, we are connected at our center, our core, and can access this sacred energy in ourselves.

The notion of Center is archetypal, inborn, present in mankind from the beginning. Primitive, unconscious societies considered this intersection between divine and human energies the Center of the Universe, no matter where it was encountered.
When we talk about this internal intersection with the sacred, we speak of our personal center. We say we are centered when we reflect and act from our spiritual core, our essence.

This spiritual core can be violated, assaulted at the hands of others. We can lose touch with our center. Through generous helpings of beauty, truth, and love, this inner chord with the sacred can be restored. This is not easy. It is simple, but it is not easy.